COVID-19 Policy- Please Read

The spread of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) across the globe has created a significant concern for our residents. Please note that we are taking every step, in accordance with government guidelines, to keep our property safe. Below are some topics we would like to address with you:


o While health and safety are vital, we are not healthcare providers and not able to provide health tips or precautionary manners. We suggest you refer to CDC for health tips and precautionary measures. CDC can be contacted directly at (800) 232-4636. You can also visit their COVID-19 update page at

o We further recommend that you stay up to date with all media outlets and make sure you are aware of all local, state, and federal guidance on covid-19.

o In order to ensure the safety in the apartment industry we recommend that you take into account all recommendations for “social distancing” that have been given by health authorities. Specifically, we highly recommend you keep all guests to a minimum for at least the next month. We recommend that in the event you are sick you seek healthcare assistance immediately and you refrain from entering any common areas in the apartment community. CDC prevention includes the “common sense” approach, which includes washing hands for a minimum of 20 seconds with soap, avoid touching nose, eyes and mouth with unwashed hands, staying home when sick, and frequently clean and disinfect surfaces.

o We recommend using telecommunications (email and telephone) as the best way to communicate with our management team in order to keep “social distancing.”

o The management team will use its best efforts to keep the common areas in a safe and sanitary condition. Additionally, any employees will remove themselves from their duties if they are sick or if there are is possibility that they could be infected.

o It is vital that you let us know if you have an infection so we can do our part to follow recommendations from the CDC relative to “social distancing.” We may elect to limit maintenance and management contact with individual apartment homes in the event there is evidence of some sickness in order to prevent the spread of COVID-19. We also may elect to provide emergency only maintenance in the event of an outbreak at the apartment community.

o Our amenities such as the fitness center, pool and community room may need to be closed in the event keeping them open poses a threat to the health and safety of residents.

Our first priority is the safety of our residents, employees, and invitees. We will continue to provide communications and information in this ever-changing environment.


Given the uncertainty surrounding the economy and individual finances we would like to provide up to date information concerning your lease and payment of rent. At this time, we have not received any information from any federal, state, or local agencies that would affect our contractual relationship with you. as a result, we will continue to provide the service guaranteed to you in your contract and we will expect that rent is timely paid as agreed in your lease. in the event you have extenuating circumstances due to this global pandemic which affect your ability to comply with your lease please contact us and we will make every effort to evaluate any reasonable requests due to COVID-19.

Additionally, we recommend that residents pay rent via drop box if one is located at the apartment community or via our online payment system if you are provided one. This recommendation is in accordance with the “social distancing” given by healthcare authorities.


In order to ensure the safety of the apartment community we would like for you to refrain from having guests in or around your apartment home or in the community until April 15, 2020. We want to keep the potential for spreading the COVID-19 virus to a minimum. Therefore, at this time we ask that you keep all guests to a minimum and discuss with your guests about whether they are sick or have been around persons who are sick.

We further recommend that in the event you are sick you seek healthcare assistance immediately and you refrain from entering any common areas in the apartment community. CDC prevention includes the “common sense” approach, which includes washing hands for a minimum of 20 seconds with soap, avoid touching nose, eyes and mouth with unwashed hands, staying home when sick, and frequently clean and disinfect surfaces.

Thank you for doing your part to keep our apartment community safe. Please contact us if you have any further questions.